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Make trees our great allies for the safeguard of our planet!
Trees have so many virtues that we cannot do without their friendship!
Indeed, trees in their functioning, present a strange and pleasant paradox for us humans:
When They give off their waste products in the form of oxygen, we consume them for our breathing; on the other hand, they feed on the waste that we reject in the form of co2.
They are believed to be diminished because they do not move, but as fine manipulators, they attract very mobile species on their behalf from what they produce best. Each tree produces in its flowers, the best nectar which attracts insects and birds. The latter, foraging from flower to flower, carry pollen grains for fertilization, fruit production and reproduction of the species! They do not move but unknowingly use beings who move the most!
Similarly, animals and other birds will eat these fruits and through their fecal matter, new trees will grow everywhere and a little further.
Trees are the most silent living beings, but have developed over millions of years, a more efficient communication network than the Internet recently created by humans. Their community is made up of fungi, bacteria and many other millions of microorganisms in their roots, invisible to the human eye.
What about the innate power of decentralization of the tree? Each of its cells containing all the information necessary to create another complete tree, which humans cannot. What about its great ability to quietly and equitably manage its community, the biodiversity under its roots? what is unthinkable in our
humanity of merciless competition and wars; what about the power of the tree to tame the sun to cook its glucose, the wind to transport its pollen and even its strangely close relationship with the movements of the tides and the moon, observed at the level of the variations in its diameter? All parts of its structure, from the leaves to the roots that make up 95% of the basic products of our medicines, in short, this symbiosis with all of nature is simply astounding.
Faced with all these observations and this immense capacity of the tree to set all the elements of the earth to music for their benefit and for its betterment, a team of informed observers came together to stir up all these virtues and come to the conclusion that the best solution to combat climate change would be to involve trees in this noble battle. This is how Tree4Gift (T4G), Dond’1Arbre (D1A) was born in autumn 2021.
Its strategy consists in associating with each tree planted or planting a strong emotion: planting a tree for each of our important memories, our records, the influential changes in our lives etc…, baptizing the already existing trees.

Tree4Gift (T4G) takes root in this furrow and is committed to materializing this project, by:

Ø Offering everyone a tree to plant, accompanied by its best wishes for the occasion; create deep feelings between each existing tree and its owner;
Ø Teaching children and young people the virtues of the tree to introduce it to their education;
Ø Exchanging with several cultures, especially indigenous peoples, to know more about the virtues of trees and to disseminate them widely.
To do this, T4G opens its doors to all specialists in the field to spread memory trees all over the planet, a guarantee of harmony and rediscovered peace between humans and our brothers the trees.
In Canada, the Government has set itself the goal of planting 2 billion trees by 2030, they will be carried out by the courage and the will of this enterprising people, but these plantations must be transformed definitively into primary forests (with 7 centuries of age) by the emotions that will accompany this work and this work, T4G makes it its priesthood for Canada and many other countries of the world.

Welcome to Tree4Gift (T4G)! Welcome to Gift of 1 Tree (D1A)

Tree4GiftCanada or Dond’1ArbreCanada is the baptismal name of the organization which carries the vision defined above throughout the planet and which began its activities in 3 cities in Canada: Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal;
It took the legal form of NPO (Non-Profit Organization) to match the nature of its name. It is registered under NO: 1361412-3 and whose company key is 84021098, NEQ: 117270353.
Its headquarters are currently in Toronto. Tree4GiftCanada (T4G) is headed by its General Assembly made up of members who pay a contribution of 25 § CAD each year. This assembly is followed by a Board of Directors whose directives are carried out on a daily basis by a General Management made up of 5 members and several volunteers dedicated to the missions assigned to them.


